Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Five years ago I started this blog with the idea of creating a site about architecture, but not only for architects. Therefore, rather than looking to the buildings as objects, I wanted to emphasize their relationship with the site, with the surrounding landscape, and for that reason it was essential to visit the places I've reviewed in this blog. Back then, most architectural portals focused only about contemporary buildings, and mainly in Western Europe and the U.S. Therefore, I wanted to rebel a bit against both situations and discussed also important historical buildings and include areas such as Asia, Latin America and Oceania.

Along the way (both the virtual and the real one), I have found many friends whose wisdom had nourished me constantly: the people I've met in my travels -which has shown me their culture and ways of thinking about architecture-, and many others in the blogosphere -students, professionals and other bloggers-, far more methodical and knowledgeable than me.

I know I am far behind with the translation of the articles form the blog in Spanish; I promise I will do my best to catch up. I also apologize for my many mistakes in English language, but despite these shortcomings I hope the information you find here would be useful/interesting for you.

I thank you deeply for joining me on this journey, and ask you to keep checking the pages of My Architectural Moleskine.

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